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Piper-Heidsieck Cuvée Brut NV Champagne 375ml

Since its founding in 1785, the House of Piper-Heidsieck has proven its innovative prowess in selecting and blending wines of exception. Cuvée Brut is an emblematic multi-vintage champagne, elaborated from a blend of more than 100 crus sourced from 3 grape varieties of Champagne. Cuvée Brut boasts a fresh, elegant and harmonious profile. Its nose offers delicate notes of pear, white peach, citrus and orange blossom. The palate also reveals aromas of toasted bread, fresh almonds and mint. Sublime as an aperitif, a champagne for every occasion.

Piper-Heidsieck Cuvée Brut NV Champagne Gift Box 750ml

Since its founding in 1785, the House of Piper-Heidsieck has proven its innovative prowess in selecting and blending wines of exception. Cuvée Brut is an emblematic multi-vintage champagne, elaborated from a blend of more than 100 crus sourced from 3 grape varieties of Champagne. Cuvée Brut boasts a fresh, elegant and harmonious profile. Its nose offers delicate notes of pear, white peach, citrus and orange blossom. The palate also reveals aromas of toasted bread, fresh almonds and mint. Sublime as an aperitif, a champagne for every occasion.

Pol Rémy Brut 750ml

A classic French sparkling. White-gold in colour that is fruity and delicate. A good balance between vinosity and roundness. A very pleasant wine. Best served chilled as an aperitif.

Pol Rémy Rosé 750ml

A classic sparkling Rose wine produced and bottled in France. Soft pink in colour with long-lasting bubbles. Lots of freshness and a fruity finale. Best served as an apéritif or to accompany your favourite desserts.

Pol Roger Brut Réserve Champagne NV 750ml

Few champagne houses remain in family hands. The impressively-pedigreed Pol Roger is one of them. Residing in the heart of Epernay with cellars running below the Avenue de Champagne for over seven kilometres, they are highly-skilled vinous alchemists in possession of an exquisite collection of wines. Not one of the region's show ponies, Pol nonetheless lead the charge from the front.

Quartz Reef Methode Traditionnelle Rosé 750ml

A romantic bouquet of strawberry sherbet and rose petal with a hint of shortbread. Enhanced by lush Pinot notes, a creamy acidity and a touch of nutmeg in the finish. Vibrant, focused and beautifully balanced.

Riccadonna Asti 750ml

This sweet sparkling wine expresses all the aromatic heritage of the Piedmont region. Riccadonna Asti D.O.C.G is a sweet and delicate sparkling wine, but also rigorous in its style. With its bright colour and intense bouquet, it has a floral, fruity and herbal aroma with acacia, white peach, nectarine, sage notes and some tropical hints.

Ruffino Lumina Prosecco DOC 750ml

The bouquet is fragrant and bursting with fruit notes. It shows clean aromas of apples, pears, and citrus, accompanied by hints of wisteria. Crisp, clean, and delicate with fine bubbles on the palate. Intense flavours of apples and peaches lead to a pleasant finish with lingering fruit and floral notes.

Squealing Pig Australian Prosecco 750ml

This Squealing Pig Prosecco is light and refreshing with a delicate sparkling bead. With fresh aromas of pear and a hint of lemon this wine is mouth wateringly good, perfectly crisp with a zesty finish.

Taylors Estate Sparkling Brut Cuvée 750ml

Taylors premium bottle fermented style Brut Cuvée is crafted from the classic Champagne varieties of Pinot Noir and Chardonnay. Fresh, lively citrus zest flavours with an underlying creamy character and a delicate mousse - all hallmarks of fine Sparkling wine.

Te Hana Sparkling Reserve Cuvée 750ml

Dry-style sparkling wine.

Tempus Two Prosecco 750ml

A dry, zesty and fresh sparkling wine with enticing green apple and pear characters complemented by citrus notes.
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