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Pepperjack Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

Pepperjack is a tribute to the Barossa's rich heritage. Traditional wine making techniques combined with an eye to modern styles led to this range of wine. The Pepperjack wines are rich, honest and vibrant in style - showcasing the Barossa's outstanding qualities. Includes Shiraz, Cabernet Sauvignon.

Pepperjack Central Otago Pinot Noir 750ml

The aroma is full of juicy plum, dark cherry and mocha with a bright wild thyme note framing the nose, continuing with luscious cassis character on the palate. The savoury cocoa and resinous spices from the oak and whole bunch fermentation help draw the red and blue fruits across palate, melding to a complex and concentrated finish.

Pepperjack Mid Strength 7% Shiraz 750ml

Pepperjack Mid strikes a balance between the art of traditional winemaking that Pepperjack is renowned for, and the science of cutting-edge de-alcoholisation and flavour retention technology. Still bursting with quintessential Pepperjack character, this mid-strength wine displays aromas of blackberries and plums with hints of pepper and spice.

Pepperjack Shiraz 750ml

Pepperjack is a tribute to the Barossa's rich heritage. Traditional wine making techniques combined with an eye to modern styles led to this range of wine. The Pepperjack wines are rich, honest and vibrant in style - showcasing the Barossa's outstanding qualities Includes Shiraz, Cabernet Sauvignon.

Peregrine Central Otago Chardonnay 750ml

Aromas of orange blossom, nectarine and fresh nutmeg combine with delicate layers of subtly integrated oak, fine minerality and ripe citrus fruit flavours. Delicate elegance underpins this finely textured wine which reflects Peregrine's commitment to organic wine growing on the Bendigo sub region that contribute to this Chardonnay.

Peregrine Pinot Gris 750ml

Enticing aromatics of hazelnut, nutmeg, pear and white peach compliment an elegant and soft palate with fine texture and layers of grapefruit zest, ginger spice and Central Otago stonefruit. Peregrine's organic Pinot Gris is dry in style showing lovely ripe fruit and a subtle texture from a small portion of barrel fermentation. The cooler climate of Central Otago allows Peregrine to maintain a refreshing acidity and great length on the palate.

Peregrine Pinot Noir 750ml

Rich red berry aromatics and underlying spice notes fuse with a delicately structured palate layered with hints of cacao, gorgeously pure fruit, subtle oak and silky tannins. Purity, elegance combine with texture, concentration and length. A true reflection of the Central Otago sub regions that contribute to this Pinot Noir.

Peregrine Pinot Noir Rosé 750ml

Prettily perfumed with pomegranate, watermelon and crushed red berries. Elegant fruit sweetness combines with a lovely soft and creamy palate and a refreshing dry finish. Blush pink, fragrant and fresh, a gorgeous wine to be enjoyed with or without food. A lovely wine that reflects Peregrine's commitment to organic wine growing on the two sub regions that contribute to this Rosé.

Peregrine Riesling 750ml

A delicate Riesling with a finely textured palate featuring elegant minerality, lime zest and preserved lemon flavours which combine beautifully with floral, citrus and lemongrass aromatics. A delicate and textural dry Riesling with fine acidity.

Peregrine Saddleback Pinot Gris 750ml

Enticing aromatics of white peach, pear and honeydew melon combine with a bright palate laced with quince, nectarine, and orange zest flavours. A cool climate Pinot Gris, dry in style showing sweet fruit flavours balanced with fresh acidity.

Peregrine Saddleback Pinot Noir 750ml

Fresh red berry, star anise, wild strawberry and pretty floral aromas combine with lovely bright red fruit, gentle spice and subtle creaminess. A pure expression of Central Otago Pinot Noir. Luscious and fruit focussed with great flavour and soft supple tannin.

Peregrine Saddleback Pinot Noir Rosé 750ml

Lovely crisp bright aromatics of red fruits and florals followed by a light and refreshing palate with fresh summer berries and a morish finish. Soft pink, bright and fruity, a vibrant summer wine to enjoy with or without food.
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