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Casillero del Diablo Pinot Noir 750ml

Elegant and expressive aromas with remarkable touches of fresh strawberries and traces of raspberries. At the end some soft hints of rose petals appear that are complemented with delicate French oak barrel flavours like cedar and tobacco. The palate is elegant with a correct presence of tannins and the barrel notes are well integrated.

Chard Farm Finla Mor Pinot Noir 750ml

Finla Mor is grown on selected vineyards in the Cromwell basin. The vineyards are all planted on elevated terraces in the Lowburn and Parkburn areas. Each of the vineyards feature a mix of the alluvial schist based soils giving the wine its purity and minerality. Each vineyard is hand harvested and fermented in small lots. Expressive aromas of red cherry and plum fruits, with black spice and savoury notes. Good fruit and structure on the palate, with a plump mid palate featuring ripe cherry and soft spice, developing to savoury and herby notes on the finish.

Chard Farm Mata-Au Pinot Noir 750ml

Chard Farm's Mata-Au vineyards are located in the Lowburn and Parkburn areas of the Cromwell basin. The vineyards are planted on the terraces and alluvial schist based soils formed by the Mata-Au (Clutha) River (pronounced martar-o). The unique combination of site, soil and mild continental climate produces perfumed wines with elegant texture, structure and mineral length. It is made from the best blocks in our best vineyards in the Lowburn/Parkburn sub-region. Mata-Au showcases the succulent red fruits and silky tannins that are the hallmarks of this sub-region, delivered in our elegant, textural and length driven style. The bouquet becomes increasingly attractive as it shifts through ripe red berries, sweet floral tones, darker spicy notes and herby complexity. The fresh red fruits, spice, and later wild herb flavours hold a wonderfully harmonious shape and texture, nicely supported with fine persistent tannins and calm acidity.

Chard Farm River Run Pinot Noir 750ml

River Run is Chard Farm's Central Otago regional Pinot Noir made from grapes grown in their vineyards in different sub-regions of Central Otago. The deep alpine valleys and waterways of Central Otago have craved the land available for grape growing into quite distinct sub-regions. Each pocket of land has its own unique climate and soil mix producing quite different styles of Pinot Noir. River Run captures the character of each of the sub-regions where are vineyards are planted. Lowburn gives bright, fresh sweet fruit, Gibbston savory and herbal tones, and Parkburn brings good texture and mineral length. An expressive and complex bouquet with sweet floral notes swirling around ripe cherry and plum fruit with aromatic spice in the background. There's ample fresh fruit and velvety tannin on a palate that is elegant, satisfying and highly drinkable.

Chard Farm The Tiger Pinot Noir 750ml

The Tiger Pinot Noir is a single vineyard wine made from grapes grown in Chard Farm's Tiger vineyard in the Lowburn sub-region. The vineyard is on sloping land up off the valley floor and this elevated cooler position allows the vineyard to ripen slowly, building layer upon layer of flavour nuance and soft silky tannins.

Chard Farm The Viper Pinot Noir 750ml

An aromatic and punchy perfume of red cherry, pomegranate and delicate fresh florals layered over subtle undergrowth captures the essence of Pinot Noir. Fresh red fruits and herbal tones lay on a bed of silky tannin that evolves into a fine, sustained finish. There is a pronounced mineral character and pleasant acidity which creates a harmony that is assured and invigorating.

Church Road Grand Reserve Pinot Noir 750ml

With grapes from the world's leading pinot noir region making a guest appearance, Church Road's award winning winemaker, Chris Scott, has hand crafted an exceptional wine that combines elegance and undeniable presence.

Church Road McDonald Series Pinot Noir 750ml

The McDonald Series wines are an expression of both their fruit and the vision of their namesake winemaker. Beautifully fragrant, this wine is built around a core of bright red and black fruit, overlaid with beautiful floral, spice and fresh thyme notes, with subtle oak in support. On the palate the wine is lithe, fresh and juicy with a gentle finish. An elegant yet energetic Pinot Noir.

Craggy Range Te Muna Pinot Noir 750ml

Handpicked from the higher terrace of the vineyard and fermented with indigenous yeast producing a wine with a silky layered texture providing interest and complexity. Burgundy in colour with a light crimson hue. Dried lavender and garigue, distinctly Te Muna perfume on the nose. An elegant palate with a warm core of brambled wild berries, porcini mushroom and red cherry in balance with the silk-laden tannins, which perfectly frame the wine. It speaks volumes to an incredible site.

Crimson Peak Central Otago Pinot Noir 750ml

Indulge in a luxurious sensory experience with Crimson Peak's velvety texture, which envelops the palate and delivers a smooth, seamless mouthfeel with notes of ripe plum, succulent black cherry, and subtle hints of integrated oak, creating a complex and well-balanced wine.

Dashwood Pinot Noir 750ml

Marlborough is a special place for wine. Perhaps it's the cloudless skies or mild temperatures or well-drained soils. It could be the long growing season or our sustainably-farmed vineyards. Whatever the reason, the result is wines that are marked by piercingly vibrant fruit flavours and lively acidity. A bouquet of ripe plum, wild berry and red currant introduce our Pinot Noir. The wine is bright and juicy with flavours of cranberry and red fruits. A soft tannin structure and integrated oak round out the palate.

Devil's Staircase by Rockburn Pinot Noir 750ml

The Devil's Staircase takes the willing down into the realm of decadence and bacchanalian delights. Here everything is pleasure, spiced up with a dash of naughtiness. The unrelenting environment tortures the vines whose twisted limbs produce wine worthy of absolution. These wines are sinfully succulent and devilishly good.
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