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Brown Brothers Crouchen Riesling 750ml

This wine has a lifted nose of exotic fruits as well as ripe pear and melon. These follow through to the palate which is mouth filling, full of natural grape sweetness and rounded out with a crisp, balancing finish. The perfect wine for a warm summer's day.

Hunter's Riesling 750ml

A youthful wine exhibiting fresh lime/citrus characteristics with hints of tropical fruits. The wine is light lemon/green in colour and presents a strikingly long finish on the palate. Its invigorating acidity supports the lively and crisp structure of the wine and will reward cellaring for 5 to 6 years.

Main Divide Riesling 750ml

A portion of nobly botrytic fruit has produced a distinctive style of wine. It has a core of citrus fruit characters, particularly lemons and limes, but there is also an undercurrent of white fleshed peaches and nectarines. The botrytis has added hints of honeysuckle and also given the wine extra concentration and richness. A seam of natural acidity and minerality flows through the wine and gives it an off-dry finish length and zest.

Pegasus Bay Aria Late Picked Riesling 750ml

The wine shows ripe stone fruit characters suggestive of yellow fleshed peaches and apricots intertwined with hints of lychees, loquats and fresh figs. Honeysuckle and comb honey characters come from the botrytis.

Pegasus Bay Riesling 750ml

This wine has a star bright lemon hue and while lemons, limes and mandarins come to the fore, there is a background of ripe stonefruit such as peaches and apricots. Honeysuckle and honeycomb influences come from botrytis, which has also made the wine more full bodied and concentrated. It has a spine of natural acidity and tingling minerality that helps draw out the palate structure to a citrus zest finish

Peregrine Riesling 750ml

A delicate Riesling with a finely textured palate featuring elegant minerality, lime zest and preserved lemon flavours which combine beautifully with floral, citrus and lemongrass aromatics. A delicate and textural dry Riesling with fine acidity.

Yealands Riesling 750ml

Yealand's wine is inspired by the coast that surrounds them, so close to the ocean that their vines are often misted with sea spray. The beauty of their environment influences how they craft wine, respectful of nature and our land. Yealands believes in sustainable winemaking and creating thoughtfully crafted wines that work in harmony with the landscape.
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